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Playroom Must-Haves


The number one necessity for a child's playroom is going to be storage! You can never have enough storage. Bonus points if your storage solutions can be transformed as your child grows and if/when you add more children. Think of all of your storage needs, including: books, large toys, small toys, musical toys, creative items, books, stuffed animals, baby dolls, trucks, puzzles, etc.

(The TROFAST system from Ikea is actually a fantastic solution for kids' changing storage needs).


Depending on the age of your child(ren), your flooring needs may differ. In general, using a large foam play mat or thicker area rug would be great options for your playroom.

Some companies, like The House of Noa, make very sweet, tasteful play mats that can fit in easily with the rest of your houses' style and decor.

Creative Space

Another important aspect to a playroom is the creative area-- a space where your child(ren) can craft, color, paint, and make things. A kid-height table and chairs are always a good start to getting your creative space set-up. Storage for art supplies is also super important. An easel, chalkboard, etc are also good options to add here. The table will most likely double as a puzzle place, perhaps a snack table, a block-building table, etc so a durable and washable table is a must. Consider putting a washable mat under this space or set it up on a hard surface (like wood floors) that can be easily washed.

Comfy Seating

Comfy seats for reading, hanging out, relaxing etc. are a great addition to any child's playroom. Think bean bags, small armchairs, built-in benches and the like. Anything that's easy to climb into and relax in.


  • Swings

  • Tents/Canopies

  • Climbing Structures

  • Slides

  • Playhouses

  • Lighting




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