How to Pick Grout for Your Tile
If you couldn't tell by the title, we are shaking things up and going back to basic folks! Grout is such a controversial item, where it can really make or break your tile selection. You may want something to stand out, so you pick a contrasting color, or maybe you just want it to be subtle and blend it. But where do you start? With so many colors to choose from, it can get a little overwhelming. And thats why I am writing this to help you guys out!
Tile is one of my favorites to design with! There are so many ways to switch up a standard tile, grout color included. I love a good white tile with a black grout. (You guys know me and my love of black and white!)
Whatever it may be, you have to promise me one thing, please, please, please do not pick a grout color from the screen! I know its easy, and I know you may be tempted, but color calibrations on computers are always so different.



Step 1
Find out what look you are going for
Do you want it to be subtle, or to contrast?
Step 2
Get samples of both the tile and the grout chips
This is always a must! Your designer should be able to get you samples of each for free
Step 3
This is where you will truly see how the tile will look throughout the day Hold the grout chip up with the tile in different lighting
Now you're ready to get started!