20 Sustainable Home Decor Stores You Should Be Shopping At
I think sometimes the word "sustainability" can intimidate us, because people aren't exactly sure what that means. Maybe you want to be more sustainable, but you don't know how. Or, you just don't know of any good places to shop!
You guys know that I'm all about sustainability and being eco-friendly. I went to school for interior design and business and had a concentration in sustainable design.

To me, sustainability is leaving a small foot print on this earth and being mindful of the materials that you are using. It's best to reuse and recycle (as we were taught as kids). It's also using rapidly renewable materials like bamboo, which can be easily grown quickly. Using safe materials with low VOC's is just yet another aspect of sustainability.

It's important to think about the environmental impact of the products that we are creating and sourcing. How the process of making them are effecting air quality and creating toxins.

Some sustainable materials include LED lights, reclaimed wood, recycled fabrics, glass.

That's another reason why I love vintage decor! My thought is why do you need to make new things when there is already an abundance of perfectly good things made already?

I love when companies are mindful of these values and they implement it into their own businesses. But, it can be tricky to find such companies. Below are some of my favorite companies I use to source sustainable furniture.
