So how many of you out there have a group of friends that try to hangout and can just never seem to find a time that works for everyone? I know that my group of best friends can’t. No matter what we do, group texts, google hangouts, there always seems to be something that pops up last minute that cancels our plans. We all love hanging out and are so close, but let’s face it, planning around 5 busy girl’s schedules is a total nightmare, even when we all live within an hour of each other!
The five of us graduated from Endicott’s Interior Design program with every intension of keeping our friendship alive. And while I moved all the way down to Philadelphia while my friends remained in Massachusetts, we made it work. I would drive up every couple months for birthdays, concerts, or other weekend activities that we scheduled. And, my friends being the amazing friends that they are, drove or took nine hour bus rides just so spend a couple days with me. It’s then when you realize who your true friends are. The ones that take the time out of their busy schedule and make the long trek through the obnoxious Boston, New York, and Philadelphia traffic. This only lasted only a year, though. I moved back to Boston and it seemed that even though we were close in terms of location, it was somehow harder to coordinate plans!

I’ve come to realize that it’s not about seeing people that keeps your friendship’s and relationships alive. Its how you interact when you don’t see each other, too. Coming from a girl who has been doing a long-distance relationship for almost two years now, Mike and I take about thirty to sixty minutes a night to talk to each other on the phone or Facetime. That is how we became so close so quickly. We couldn’t just sit on the couch and watch a movie. All we had were those phone calls and the couple days each month that we saw each other. Taking this into account with my friendships, I realized that if I couldn’t see my friends that often, that I needed to implement those same characteristics with them.
Let’s face it, we live in a world where “liking” a friend’s Instagram post is considered interacting with them. Or sending a group snapchat is good enough and shows that you are reaching out. Not in my eyes. I have always felt fortunate enough that I have some of the most amazing friends in my life. Whether it’s texting a random New Girl quote, or wishing the other good luck on a new job, it’s the little things that add up and help friendships stay alive. Sometimes I will send a friend a text just to tell them that I am thinking of them. Or, give them a call, which in my mind, is even better. Nonetheless, finding a way to connect at least every couple weeks really does help the friendship stay strong.
Because we don’t see each other that often, we are able to cherish the seldom times we do seem each other. And that my friends, is worth it all.